Foolproof ways to introduce math concepts to young children

Are you introducing your children to math concepts or do you think they are too young? There is no such thing as too young! We can begin to plant the seeds of what we want children to learn from a very early age. Never underestimate the learning power of your child. How do you think we children who can play the piano or read at 1 or 2 years old? Its because somebody said, “hey let’s try this!”

Today I did a “live” video on Instagram showing the ways in which we can teach emerging counting and cardinality, recognizing, comparing and classifying patterns and algebraic thinking! The video is geared toward the parents and teachers of young children.

For me the best part was that I only used on tool to teach all of those skills! As a parent or a teacher of young children you can do the same thing. I will put a link to the counting bears that I used in my video, but you can also use things around the house like different size spoons, marbles, beans, beads, combs makeup brushes.

Take some time today and try the strategies that I shared with you and let me know how it goes!

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